Monday, September 10, 2007

Sept 10 2007 - mom gone to europe - busy day

Mom left for Europe this morning, and I miss her already.

Today was so busy...this was my day basically.
Got up, said my goodbyes, went to school, met with Alysha, went to the bank, then came home, and did some stuff for the college job. After that was done, I worked out, showered, and had lunch. I then went to shoppers to get a price for the gift I'm gonna send Lexi, and went to try to meet with a lady from school about some financial stuff. Went to english class, which was alright...sort of boring, but my mind just wanders. Came home after, cooked dinner for dad and I, but then he didn't eat...he wasn't feeling well. It was a good dinner too! Corn, onions, yellow beans, pasta, and chicken fingers! The milk for the pasta stuff boiled over and I had to clean the stove...I also did the dishes, then headed to work. Work was actually pretty good...surprisingly a good shift at walmart. Came home, helped dad set up the DVD player/VHS upstairs, and now I'm's almost midnight.

Busy day...I'm soo looking forward to....OH WAIT, I have to get up at 8:30 tomorrow morning for a meeting in Niagara Falls....UGH...piss off work! blehhh.

I hope I can get some stuff done tomorrow so I can relax...I got lots of homework.


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