Sunday, September 16, 2007

Busy Days, Weird Dreams.

The past few days have been sort of hectic, yet not at all.

They involve mostly going to school, coming home to have dinner with dad (which he usually prepares), going to work, then coming home to work on homework, or try to fix Kevs laptop.

I've been asking dad if he'd like to have people over to play cards or things like that, but he isn't feeling well enough to have a crowd over. He might be going to John-Rock and Jaimies place tonight for dinner. I went to church this morning, and its now almost 2PM, and he's still in bed..I'll check up on him soon.

I ordered a tv tuner card for my I can now record programs on PC. =] Also, ordered a new 22inch monitor, because my PC monitor is toast....It doesn't go bright, and the words are always blurry.

I had a dream the other night...I had two little cute puppies. We were driving somewhere or something, and then a bunch of tornadoes hit.

MOM, if you read this, check this out. Online, at the "dream doctor" website, it says "Tornadoes in dreams consistently represent fears of separation from our families."

So...since we've been separated...I guess that's what they mean. We've both been having tornado dreams.

Anyway after the tornadoes hit, I ended up at this girl Racheals house, who I haven't hung out with since I was seeing Bri (it was her friend).

I'm busyyy this week...I have some meetings, homework, class, and a 20hrs at work.

WALMART is gonna be open 7am-11pm starting next week on thu, fri, sat. That's stupid, but whatever.

Today on the way to church, there was an accident on the corner of niagara and east main, on the hill. I was in the lane to turn right, but couldn't, so I was trying to merge back in the straight lane, but no one was letting me in, then a lady was like "LET THE COP THROUGH THE BRIDGE" so i moved to the right and let him through. Then she was like "YOU CANT TURN RIGHT HERE, YOU HAVE TO GO STRAIGHT" and im thinking "are you stupid? I just moved over to let the cop through, what do you think I've been TRYING to do for the past couple minutes" and I just shouted "WHAT DO YOU THINK I WAS TRYING TO DO?" she ticked me off.

Anyway, I tried to get over it, but she really just annoyed me and made me irritated at the entire world for the rest of the day.

I'm off, byeeeeeee.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Wed sept 12

7:30, got up, went to T.A. for 8:30
12:30, spoke to lady about papers for T.A. job pay.
1:00, watched and assisted in High Definition video shooting that the food network was doing on campus. (I'm gonna be on the food network! hollerrrrr)
2:30, meeting with corporate crew
3:30, class with bill boehlen....a niagara grad who works at CH spoke to contact info for major research project.
5:30 came home, had corn on the cob with dad...again...delicious.
6:00 dishes
6:30 homework, phone calls, surfing the web
9:30 trying to fix kevs laptop...did a system restore...WORKS! but still error message while starting...and that thing that said there were viruses...IS THE VIRUS. clever bastards! haha
11:00 writing this...going to shower..spending some time with dad, going to bed.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Corporate video and mini toilets? (tuesday)

I didn't sleep well last night....maybe its because of the sudden screams I heard coming from the TV in the other room. I thought they were real...and jeeze my heart tensed up for a few minutes there.

Got up at 7:30 this morning to go meet with my Corporate Crew. We went to St Antoine school in the falls to meet with the principle, who used to be a vice principle at sacre coeur. SHE ACTUALLY REMEMBERED ME, hahahah. Mme Ayotte is her name...She seems pretty cool now that I'm not a little mischievous kid, but back in the day I thought she was a big meany.

Anyway, that went extremely well, and we saw some really cute kids. Their daycare even has MINI TOILETS. THEY'RE SO CUTE hahahaha.

We went to Wimpy's for lunch, and it was really good. I got two eggs, home fries, 2 toast, and 3 slices of bacon for UNDER FOUR BUCKS....but then I tipped her 3...75% tip ain't bad eh? wee!

Back in Welland, I did some editing at school...making what I think are the finishing touches on the NOTL DVD. I think that's almost done with. I came home and packaged lexi's present, then called someone from cogeco to set up an interview for my major research project. He called back shortly confirming a date.

I wrote my resume for my Media Business Fundamentals class, and started on my cover letter, then got a call from Sandra about CPP. Gonna meet with her in a couple days to get that all settled.

Had dinner with dad...he made us some chicken, potatoes, and other was deeeelicious.

Did some homework, then around 7:30, mailed the package to lexi, and picked up jas. Went to meet with Kev at his place around 8, but he still wasnt home! So i called him, waited a bit in front of his place, then around 8:20, decided to head home.

HUGE was running back and forth closing windows, dozenssss of lightning bolts...intense!

Eventually went to kevs to try and remove his spyware...power went froze...and wouldnt start back up properly...jeeze. Power was out for about an hour there?

Dropped off Jas, came home, watched some star wars with dad, went to bed.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Sept 10 2007 - mom gone to europe - busy day

Mom left for Europe this morning, and I miss her already.

Today was so busy...this was my day basically.
Got up, said my goodbyes, went to school, met with Alysha, went to the bank, then came home, and did some stuff for the college job. After that was done, I worked out, showered, and had lunch. I then went to shoppers to get a price for the gift I'm gonna send Lexi, and went to try to meet with a lady from school about some financial stuff. Went to english class, which was alright...sort of boring, but my mind just wanders. Came home after, cooked dinner for dad and I, but then he didn't eat...he wasn't feeling well. It was a good dinner too! Corn, onions, yellow beans, pasta, and chicken fingers! The milk for the pasta stuff boiled over and I had to clean the stove...I also did the dishes, then headed to work. Work was actually pretty good...surprisingly a good shift at walmart. Came home, helped dad set up the DVD player/VHS upstairs, and now I'm's almost midnight.

Busy day...I'm soo looking forward to....OH WAIT, I have to get up at 8:30 tomorrow morning for a meeting in Niagara Falls....UGH...piss off work! blehhh.

I hope I can get some stuff done tomorrow so I can relax...I got lots of homework.
